Today’s freebie is an iOS app steps design. If you’re into mobile development, you would know that many mobile apps are made up of multiple screen flow. For example, if you want to design a sign-up/registration flow for an app, you can break it up into multiple steps. If handled correctly, this step-by-step screen design can dramatically improve the user-friendliness of any app flow. The featured freebie is a four-step design. The completed step has a green shade. The step the user is on is blue, while the incomplete steps are white. Download the PSD file and and trust your creative flow to modify it fit your requirements.

추가 정보

  • 파일 ID #5408020
  • 다운로드 38 다운로드
  • 파일 형식 증권 시세 표시기
  • 파일 확장자 .psd
  • 크기 429.0 KB
  • 라이센스 Freeimages.com Content License